It is my wish to help others experience more joy.                                                                                                My clients sometimes ask me about the ‘human story’ behind my 23 years of professional experience as a leadership coach. What led to my expertise in energy management, why did I publish a book on the subject and how have I integrated my approach into effective techniques with leaders worldwide?

My search for what fosters meaning and joy started in my youth. Early on, I noticed that some people were happy, flowing along with life’s waves while others were thrown off by each ripple of adversity. It soon became obvious that I belonged to the latter group.

At 9, I started yoga. By 19, I left Florence and moved from Italy to Switzerland where I graduated in Anthropology. I continued to travel and to explore other disciplines of self-awareness, training in Qi-Gong, mindfulness, NLP, postural alignment and the broader world of experiential learning.

Each new discipline had a specific focus that was mostly on the physical, emotional, mental or the spiritual aspect of the person. My vision was to experience and to support others feel ‘more joy’ by integrating all four dimensions. I chose to call this vision: Personal Energy Management.

My approach increases our core of inner peace and sense of purpose, our ability to materialize results, to maintain a clear focus and – most importantly – to flow through life’s changes with humor and flexibility. For 23 years, I’ve been sharing and improving it across the world thanks to my coachees, business schools and the wide range of global organizations I work with.

In 2007, I published: “Rechargez vos Batteries” (Recharge your Batteries) – revised in 2012 and now translated into English and Italian – to be used as a tool-kit to increase our energy and be more often at our best.

I abide by the ICF code of ethic.  Click here to download my CV and my references.



The latest research link ‘happiness’ with success and performance. The author of ‘The Happiness Advantage’ shares his findings in his TED Talk.



How to stay centered in our ‘positive center’ in the midst of a an intense week? What could help translate the idea of ‘joy’ into a useful and practical mindset that benefits our daily experiences? Read or download here how mindfulness and mini-breaks could support you.



Joy is a very strong emotion and rarely used in the world of business.  There are more and more researches showing how it benefits leadership and performance.